Saturday, June 23, 2007


In the first picture is the Hofvijver (Court Lake) next to the Binnenhof (Inner Court), and in the second picture is the Binnenhof and Ridderzaal (Knight's Hall), with some statue of a man on a horse in front of it. This is basically right across a square from where I work.

1 comment:

Chelsea's Dad said...

Hiya Chels,
Scott is getting better after a tough day on Friday at the doc and the lab (he passed out again at the lab). A couple of days of meds and he is doing better, eating and sleeping and feeling and talking better. Another day in bed should get him back on his feet. We won't know if it is a viral thing until the blood tests come back on Monday or if it just the vertigo for which he is getting the meds. His dizzyness and passing out is very scary and I feel so badly for him. He missed the Bio regents and so will have to take a makeup in August, and go through a two week review class, which really sucks. He is doing so incredibly well at school - it is truly a major turnaround and I am so proud of him.

Today, since Scott was essentially in bed all day, I spent the day with Jessica working with her on her kitchen. Well, she wasn't really working - mostly sleeping, but I got the measurements, dragged her to Home Depot and worked with the kitchen designers for a couple of hours to develop a planned layout and cabinets and appliances. Progress, from which we can now do some comparisons. Later Amy's mom took all of us out to dinner at a Thai place in Great Neck which was very nice of her and a wonderful meal. I rode home and it was a perfect day for riding - cool and clear.
That's all for now, keep on posting pictures!