Wednesday, August 1, 2007

More pictures!

The group at Miriam's "wine and cheese" party last weekend. From L to R: Jiri, Marta, Elsa, Melissa, Miriam, Kim, Me, Lydia, ??, Laura, Matthew? Ay, I'm bad with names. The last guy all the way to the right is from DC, but we didn't really bond over both being from the States. There's definitely enough anti-US (or at least anti-Bush) sentiment that I don't really go around bragging. It's okay though, because if someone were to take two seconds to talk to me, they could immediately tell that I'm not a Bush supporter, and dare I say, not even a typical American. And if they don't take two seconds to talk to me, then what do I care about their opinion? I was told twice this evening, though, that my accent is almost unidentifiably American. YES! :)

Jiri being silly and Kim being cute. I love these two.

Melissa, Kim, Miriam and I.

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