Monday, July 2, 2007

Il Divo, and some further Mouse-capades

Sunday was uncommonly beautiful weather, so I took the opportunity to go outside for a bit. Then, Kim had found out about this free concert by this group called Il Divo - they're a four-man "pop-era" group, formed by Simon Cowell from American Idol. There's one American, one French guy, one Spaniard, and one Swiss guy. On stage, they are all complete caricatures of their nationality, which makes it so funny to see how the American is portrayed (at the end, he said "I don't know what he said [his fellow singer who addressed the crowd in Dutch] but I hope you all had a ROCKIN' good time!"). And of course, they are all incredibly attractive. Simon knows what sells. Anyhow, the concert was AMAZING. It was an open air concert on the boardwalk by the North Sea, in the beach town of Scheveningen, which is a 25 minute tram-ride North of Den Haag (officially still part of Den Haag, though they would like to think otherwise). The weather was still amazing, the sunset was gorgeous over the water, and it rained for a split second, just long enough to make a huge rainbow over the statuesque hotel behind the crowd. Plus, did I mention that all the men in the group are really attractive? It was overwhelming eye candy from every direction. You could tell that the entire crowd (of mostly older women, huh...) felt the same way - the energy in the audience was great. What a great, unexpected experience! And free!

Today at work we had another run-in with a mouse. I'm sure it's not the same one, but Jan-Willem seems to think that if you release them too close to the building, they will just find their way back to where they started. I can't imagine mice have that great of a capacity for memory, but there was no arguing with him. Mice are sentient, out to get our office specifically, and they are not to be treated lightly.

Thus, when we were setting up lunch (I was chatting with Pieter-Johannes about the difference between sheetrock and drywall, both terms he was unfamiliar with), and Michael found a mouse quivering with fear from being caught red-pawed in the coffee beans, it was a huge deal to try and catch the poor thing to get it out once and for all. Except not really, if J-W was right in saying they always return to the same building. Anyway. PJ managed to catch it with an upside-down pail as Michael chased it out of the cabinet under the counter with a Swiffer. Then came the old slide-the-box-under-the-pail trick, which I have now seen work twice in as many weeks. They decided to leave it there while we ate lunch, deciding it's fate over the table. They discussed tossing it out the window, throwing in some poison pebbles and just leaving it in the pail, or just plain leaving it in the pail to starve for a few days. None of these were acceptable to me, so I offered to take it down to the street and release it.

But, according to J-W, the street was not good enough. It needed to be released far enough away so that it would be so disoriented, it couldn't find it's way back to our building. He suggested 5km, but I figured that was a bit excessive, and after being nominated the official girl for the job, I walked the mouse, inside the pail and covered with a box, around the Hofvijver and released it by a tree. Success! It looked so happy as it scampered the direction of our building...huh...

Anyway, that was basically all the excitement for the day. More next time!

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